Auto Glass CRM Flow

Step 1 is saving a Quote or Work Order with a Sold To Customer Primary Phone Number and Allow Texting checked. Make sure to have as much customer information filled out before saving and confirming to Send to CRM; ie Sold To First and Last Name, Email, Vehicle, Address, and glass selected. Once you are confident all the customer information is filled out, click Save button on the Quote/Order and click Ready when prompted to send the lead to the CRM. You are okay to click Not Ready if you need time to continue getting information or if you don’t want the customer information sent to the CRM to be texted.

Important Note: Do not put anything on the schedule before initially sending the lead to the CRM (Step 1)

Step 2 is scheduling the customer. After you have confirmed you are ready to send the initial lead to the CRM (Step 1), you should get a confirmation any time you create an appointment on the schedule. Making this appointment and clicking OK on the confirmation, it is ready to send to the CRM will text the customer their appointment information. If you don’t want this data to be relayed to the customer for any reason, click Cancel when prompted after creating the appointment. Clicking cancel will still create the appointment but WILL NOT send the appointment data to the CRM.

Step 3 is invoicing an order. This is the equivalent in the CRM to the lead’s service being completed. When clicking Invoice in Elmo Anywhere, you will be met with a Customer Experience prompt. Clicking the Smile face will send the customer our typical closing text and give them a link that quickly lets them leave the shop a Google Review. Clicking the Frown face will send the customer a special text and not send them any link or tell them anything about Google Reviews. This gives the shop a way to give most customers an easy way to leave a Google Review and not give problem customers an easy way to leave a bad Google Review.

Miscellaneous actions that trigger Auto Glass CRM updates:

  •         Voiding an order that has something scheduled in the future and has already been sent to the CRM will send the CRM a trigger alerting that the lead has cancelled their appointment.
  •         Changing the Start Time of an appointment on the schedule will prompt the Elmo Anywhere user if they want to send the rescheduled appointment to the CRM. If you click OK, it will save the change and alert the customer of the change. If you click Cancel, it will only save the appointment in Elmo Anywhere
  •         Similarly to Changing the Start Time of an appointment, if you change an appointment on the schedule to Complete, you will be met with a prompt to send this change to the CRM. Clicking OK will save the appointment and send a text to the customer saying their vehicle is done and ready to be picked up. Clicking cancel will only save the appointment.