How to: Process Payments with Stripe

Elmo Anywhere integrates with Stripe as a add-on feature. You must have the Stripe Charge Feature turned on and an active account with Stripe to charge payments. Please contact support if you have a Stripe account and want to turn on this feature or contact your Elmo Anywhere Admin for set-up. 

You will need to have your Secret Key and Publish Key available (This is located in the Stripe portal under the API tab in the left menu). There are test and live credentials on the API page. You can choose to use test keys first if desired.

Login to Stripe Portal

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click the "Sign In" link in menu
  3. Enter your username and password
    1. If you don't have an account, click the "Sign Up" link
  4. In the left menu, Click "Developers" -> "API keys"
  5. Copy the Publishable key and insert into the Elmo Anywhere Site Settings -> Stripe Settings -> Stripe Publishable Key field (See Below)
  6. Click "Reveal live key token" field and copy that value to Elmo Anywhere Site Settings -> Stripe Settings -> Stripe Secret Key field (See Below)
    1. If you are in test mode with Stripe, you can click the View Test Data option in the API Keys section on Stripe

Note: Elmo Anywhere does not store or save any credit card numbers. Elmo Anywhere is PCI compliant and uses the latest Stripe features to ensure security and safety for our customers.

The Secret Key for Stripe will look like the following ("sk"):



The Publish Key for Stripe will look like the following ("pk"):



In Elmo Anywhere

Click the Gear Icon in the left menu and Settings.  This will take you to the Elmo Anywhere site settings page

Click on Stripe Settings tab and enter credentials and click the Check Validation button to verify correct keys. Click the Save Settings button once completed.

Once you have contacted support and we have entered your credentials or your Site Admin has set it up and turned on the Stripe Charge Feature for your site you can begin to charge payments with Stripe.

To make a Stripe payment:

     On the Invoice page, click the Payments tab (You must have Payments Permissions)

On the Payments tab, click Add Payment button

Choose Payment Type and select Stripe Charge at the bottom of the list (If you do not see this option and have already set up the Stripe Charge Feature with your credentials, please contact support).

There are two options for Stripe payments, manual entry and card swipe.

To enter credit card manually, simply enter the credit card number, cvc, expiration date and zip code associated with card.

First option: Manual entry

As you enter credit card information, the form will alert you of any errors if there are any.

Second entry: Card swipe

Note: This is currently for Desktop only. Must have a supported USB card reader.

Click the Card button to swipe card

You must have the Ready To Swipe text box in focus. By default it will be in focus when you click the Card button. If you click outside of this text box you will not be able to swipe card and the form will alert you.

Once the text box is in focus, you can swipe the card. It will enter the card info masked into the text box and update the first and last name fields as needed.

To re-swipe, just clear all text out of the box and make sure text box is in focus and try again.

Note: Swiping a credit card will result in a failed transaction if your Stripe account is in test mode.

To go back to manual entry, click the Hand button

Payment Amount MUST be greater than .50 (fifty cents) for Stripe charge. The form will alert you if it is not.

Once card information is entered, click the Process Payment button to charge transaction and create payment.

Once complete you will get a notification either if it failed or succeeded.

A payment and transaction are created for both statuses to ensure tracking. The status for the payment will be Processed or Failed.

If you are getting an error notification and do not know why, you can contact support and we can assist with the problem.