Upload Data for Elmo Anywhere Conversion

In order to convert your data from Elmo32 to Elmo Anywhere, your data will have to be backed up and then uploaded to IBS for conversion.  Please follow these instructions to complete that process

Run Elmo Backup

  1. Click the Windows Start button (Typically in the lower left hand corner of your screen)
  2. Browse to the Elmo from IBS programs folder (You can also type "Elmo Backup" to start searching after you click the Start Button on newer Window machines until it shows in the start menu)
    1. Click on the Elmo Backup Program icon to launch program
  3. Click on the folder icon to set the "Backup From Path" to the correct path where your Elmo32 data is located
    1. This is usually C:\Elmo\User but may be a different location if you have multiple workstations and Elmo is run on a server
  4. Click on the folder icon if you wish to change the "Backup To Path" to a different location
    1. Please take note of the Backup File Name
  5. When all paths are correct, Click the Run button

When the backup is complete, you will see the following message

Click "OK" and then click the "Exit" button to leave the backup program

Upload Files

Now that the backup has completed, you can upload your file for conversion.

  1. Click on the "Browse your device" link in the Submit File('s) for Conversions window at the bottom of this article.
  2. Browse to where your back up file is and click to highlight it
  3. Click the Open Button to select it for upload
  4. Now that file is attached to upload window, enter the following in the submit file to conversion window.  (This screen is at the bottom of this article)
    1. Company Name in Description
    2. Enter your email address.  This email address will be used as the main login email address for Elmo Anywhere