How To: Process payment using a terminal
The Card Connect Payment feature allows for Elmo Invoices to be paid by credit card in retail locations that are set up with the feature and have the terminals set up. This guide takes you through the next step of processing the payment for the invoice. Our intuitive on-screen instructions will help walk you through the process as well.
- Card Connect Feature setup
- Bolt Terminal setup with Elmo Anywhere
- Bolt Terminal setup with Card Connect
- Elmo Invoice ready to process
- Card of the customer that will be processed ('Card not present' transactions are not currently authorized)
1. Verify the invoice is correct, especially the amount to be paid just like invoices paid through any other process.
2. On the payment tab of the order screen on an Elmo invoice, click the Add Payment button.
3. On the Payment box that pops up on the screen, select your payment type as Card Connect Charge.
4. As you go down the screen, ensure Payment amount and Date are true to what is being paid. If the Customer is not paying the full amount shown, change the amount here.
5. On the Select Terminal dropdown list, select the terminal you are sending the payment request to by its friendly display name that was created in the setup process. (If your terminal does not show up, verify with your site administrator that the terminal was set up with the correct Hardware Serial Number (HSN) and has been marked as active. If you still are encountering issues please contact support.
* The selected terminal will receive a 'ping' from Elmo to ensure connectivity before sending payment.
6. Click the 'Process Payment' button to send the payment request to the terminal
7. Have the customer swipe their card or insert the chip and sign. Information from the card is sent to card connect and the signature is maintained. If the terminal does not read the card swipe or chip, send the payment request to a different terminal or use a different form of payment. The system is not currently set up for card transactions through typing in the numbers. That is considered a 'card not present' transaction because the information is transferred to the terminal through a user instead of through the magnetic strip or electronic chip.
8. Card Connect will take care of the card processing side of things and send back a message on a successful transaction or what type of error they encountered.
* When the transaction is successful, the payment will be marked as paid in the Elmo system. This will be similar to other payment transaction types.
If you entered in the information correctly, take a look at how to void or refund a transaction. If you encounter errors with the customer's payment, follow the information provided. It will let you know to retry or have the customer use another form of payment. If there are concerns about the way Elmo is handling the payment transaction upon sending or returning the information for payment, contact support.