How to: Create a Quote
To create a new Quote:
Using the left Navigation menu, select Quote. If you are logged into the system you may click the following link: Quote Screen
When you load the Quote screen it will setup the Bill To, Discount, Tax Group, and Shop to your defaults. The logic for these values is as follows.
Quote Screen Default Logic
- Shop: Set the currently logged in user's assigned Shop.
- Bill To Customer: Set the Shops default Bill To Customer.
- Discount: First checks for a Shop Specific Discount for the Customer; if none exists then uses the Customer's Default Discount is used.
- Tax Group: First checks for a Shop Specific Tax Group for the Customer; if none exists then it checks for Customer's Default Tax Group. If neither of those are populated then the Shop's Default Tax Group is used.
- Start by ensuring the correct Shop is selected; if this is changed the Bill To Customer will be changed to the Shops Default Bill To Customer with cascading their defaults selected.
- Select your Bill To Customer; changing this will cause the Bill To's configured Discount & Tax Group settings to be selected.
- Ensure the correct Discount & Tax Group have been selected. Changing these values at any time will apply the Discount & Taxing Logic.
- Enter in the Sold To Customers information in the First Name, Last Name, Primary Phone Number, and Email fields. Alternatively, if they are a returning customer we have setup in the system we can look them up by clicking the search icon.
By default only Sold To Customers linked to the selected Bill To will show, you can use the filter box to search all Sold To Customers.
Do a Vehicle Search, this is an Omni-search box. You can enter in the Year in any format: 1999, 99, 00, 2001. Followed by the Make and/or Model. Once results have returned select the desired Vehicle; this will automatically execute a Vehicle Lookup. Alternatively, you can use the traditional Year, Make, Model lookup by click that option and using the drop downs.
- Add Parts or Lookup Additional Parts to Add to the order.
- Navigate to the Line Items Tab and verify the amounts are correct. Changing the Discount or the Tax Group at this time will recalculate values for these items; manual changing of these values is also allowed.
- To complete the Quote Process and move forward there are actions buttons at the top right of the page. Their actions are as follows:
- Save: Saves the current quote.
- Save and New: Saves the current Quote, prepares the user for a New Quote.
- Cancel: Clears the Quote Screen to start again.
- Email: Saves the Quote, then emails a copy of the printed Quote to the Sold To Customers Email specified on this page.
- Other: Gives the option to email a copy of the printed Quote to a second email address.
- Print: Prints the quote to a pdf that opens in new window. From here you can print to a local printer or save the pdf file to your computer.
- Schedule: Saves the Quote, takes them to the Order Processing Page with the current Quote loaded.